Massage Treatments
We often recommend massage before or after a Chiropractic treatment to further aid recovery from pain and maintain your healing.
Massage is an effective therapy on it’s own and we offer a range of massage therapies in our clinic:
- Deep Tissue Massage / Sports Massage.
- Indian Head Massage.
- Relaxation massage.
The science of massage:
Massage is defined as the mobilisation of soft tissue (such as muscle, fascia and body fluids) to restore normal systemic and biomechanical/functional use. It can be used to assist in the treatment of most musculo-skeletal and associated problems, and regular Therapeutic Massage Therapy results in improved circulatory, lymphatic and neurological functioning.
Today, given the high levels of stress under which many people live, Therapeutic Massage Therapy is not only a highly beneficial therapy, but also one of the healthiest options to improving one’s quality of life.
Deep tissue or therapeutic massage encompasses the philosophy that the body knows how to heal itself and touch is the messenger that sends the signal to the body to do what its own wisdom tells it. It is one of the most powerful methods of treating and preventing pain as well as helping one to achieve a total state of well-being in a non-invasive healing way.